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Cosmetic Foot Surgery Corn Removal

cosmetic foot surgery corn removal

Corn is a type of skin lesion that consists of compacted dead skin. It’s prevalent on toes because the knuckles usually rub against the shoe. These conical-shaped lesions are usually painful because the underlying nerve endings are subjected to extreme pressure and sometimes friction.

Corns are not only painful but they give the feet an unsightly appearance. With today’s advancement, there is a type of surgery to remove the corn. Cosmetic surgeries are popular nowadays when someone wants to enhance their body parts such as the breast. If you’re interested in breast cosmetic surgery, go to a trusted breast implants specialist before deciding to undergo this surgery.

There are two types of corns:

  • Soft corns: they are found in between toes, mostly between the 4th and 5th toes.
  • Hard corns: they occur mostly on the outer side or on top of the little toe. 

Most people usually try to use homemade treatments or over the counter medications such as: 

  • Corn pads
  • Corn plasters
  • Acid treatment
  • Chiropody cream among others

However, some of these treatment options only make this condition worse. For instance, acid treatments can increase the severity of the lesions. Overall, non-surgical treatments options don’t work. This is because these techniques don’t involve the removal of the dead tissues. 

Cosmetic Foot Surgery Corn Removal 

This is usually an outpatient procedure that involves the removal of the corn. The surgical procedure is also known as resection arthroplasty. The out-patient surgery is normally done under local anesthesia and it involves the removal of the boney-like prominence. It’s very short and might last between 10 and 20 minutes per toe.  

Corn Removal Surgery Recovery Time 

cosmetic foot surgery corn removal

After the surgery, you will end feeling a burning and throbbing pain. In some instances, you may even experience numbness. It’s usually recommended that you elevate your foot such that it’s at a higher level than your heart. The patient should maintain this position for at least 48 hours. Note that the doctor will prescribe painkillers to ease the pain and also to minimize the swelling. Generally, the recovery time usually takes between 6 weeks and 3 months. For faster recovery, it’s advisable to keep your feet dry until all the incisions are fully healed.