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Root Canal Through Crown Success Rate: Insights and Expectations

When facing the need for a root canal through crown, patients often wonder about the success rate of such a procedure. Root canal treatment through a crown involves unique challenges and considerations, making the success rate a crucial aspect to examine. In this article, we delve into the various factors Continue Reading

Why Wait Two Weeks After Root Canal for Crown: Understanding the Importance of Proper Healing Time

Understanding the timing between dental procedures can significantly impact their success. This article delves into the reasons behind the recommended wait of two weeks after a root canal before crown placement. Exploring this guideline, we uncover the importance of this waiting period in ensuring the longevity and cost-effectiveness of both Continue Reading

I Healed My Receding Gums: Can That Actually Happen

Are you experiencing receding gums? Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to heal gum recession in natural ways? This article delves into the effective strategies and lifestyle changes that can help heal receding gums. From understanding the causes to exploring professional dental treatments and natural remedies, we provide comprehensive Continue Reading

How to Fix Receding Gums From Getting Worse? What To Do?

Do you have gum recession? Do you want to know how to fix receding gums? Suppose you have extra sensitive teeth, mainly when drinking something cold or hot. In that case, there’s a chance that you may have receding gums. The best step you can do is book an appointment with your dentist to prevent worsening the condition. During your session, your dentist will discuss the appropriate treatment plan for you. Keep reading to learn the various treatments for receding gums, including how to slow and stop their progression.

Do Gums Grow Back After Receding? Facts About Gum Recession

If you want to know if do gums grow back, the simple answer is no. Hence, if you experience red, swollen, shrinking gums or pain while brushing your teeth, book an appointment with your dentist to get holistic dental care. Those symptoms could be an indication of gum recession. Keep reading to know what you can do to address receding gums, even if they will not grow back.