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Healthy Gums vs Unhealthy Gums: How To Tell The Difference

difference between healthy and unhealthy gums

Having strong and healthy gums plays a huge role in achieving optimal oral health. However, after spending a lot of time taking care of our teeth, we often forget about our gums and tend to often leave them out from our routines. When we fail to pay attention, we allow the negative consequences that may begin to take place. If you want to keep your mouth healthy, knowing the differences between healthy gums vs. unhealthy gums will do the trick. Keep reading to learn more ways on how to assess your current gum health.


Healthy Gums vs. Unhealthy Gums: The Comparison

Taking care of your teeth is one thing, but keeping track of your overall oral health is another. Even if you can maintain a friendly smile, you might be neglecting your gums which can invalidate your efforts in the long run. You can ensure complete oral hygiene by knowing how to identify the early signs of gum disease and what you can do if you have one.


What Are the Characteristics of Healthy Gums?

Healthy gums can help enhance your physical appearance and make your smile more appealing. Additionally, a healthy gum line provides an optimal environment that supports your oral health.

Here are some characteristics that will help us identify strong and healthy gums:


Visual Appearance

  • Healthy gums visually appear in a rich pink color; nothing more and nothing less. A pale pink or a red gum line does not characterize sound gums.
  • Healthy gums have a firm-looking gum line. They appear in a pyramidal shape that seems to be gripping onto your teeth.

how to know if you have healthy gumsSensation.

  • If a person has healthy gums, they do not feel any discomfort or pain when chewing or drinking.
  • You can try to check your gum sensation using your fingertips. After washing your hands, slightly press down on your gum line to check if you experience any pain. If you do not feel any tenderness, you’re clear.


  • A healthy gum line does not cause any bleeding when you brush and floss your teeth.
  • There are no signs of any moving or loose gum tissues when brushing.


What Are the Characteristics of Unhealthy Gums?

There are many signs that you can point out in identifying unhealthy gums. You can spot these characteristics easily, even without the help of a dental professional. If you happen to experience any of these symptoms, it is best to see a dentist immediately to prevent and control a gum disease’s progression.

Visual Appearance.

  • You can see visible signs of swelling and redness if you have unhealthy gums.
  • Besides being loose, you can see that your gum line starts to pull away from your teeth. A receding gum line is a sign of an actively progressing gum disease. If this is present, You should immediately take it to the dentist.
  • Pus forms as white spots, progressing into pockets that lead to plaque and bacteria build-up.


  • If you have unhealthy gums, you may feel pain and discomfort towards your gum line.
  • You may also experience a sharp stabbing sensation inside your mouth when you eat and drink too cold or too hot food and beverages.


  • Your gums easily bleed during and after brushing and flossing.
  • You may get a metallic taste on your mouth, which comes from the blood.


Possible Treatment Options

Do you seem to have unhealthy gums and worry about the possibility of gum disease? Depending on the severity of your situation, these are some treatment options that your dentist might provide:

  • treating gum problemsRoot scaling and planing. This treatment involves removing tartar and plaque building up along your gum line. Your dentist will clean the areas above and below your gums to eliminate all bacteria that may thrive.
  • Gingivectomy. Your dentist may propose this technique if you have signs of progressive gum disease. The process involves removing the gum tissue with the illness and eliminating any pockets that appear between your teeth and gums.
  • Extraction. It is complete removal of the affected teeth and other loose teeth that has terrible damages. These teeth are in stages of severe decay, which no other repair procedures can reverse.
  • Flap surgery. If your dentist can still repair any present bone damages, flap surgery is possible to restore your gum disease. This treatment also includes cleaning the roots of the affected teeth.


Improving Your Gum Health

Dealing with gum issues can become quite challenging. However, there are several steps that you can take to prevent you from having one. You can follow these tips that can help improve your gum health and oral hygiene:

  • Choose the right toothbrush. If you have sensitive gums, you can opt for a toothbrush that has soft bristles. Special toothbrushes reduce irritation and stimulate your gums better, allowing you to go further into hard-to-reach areas of your mouth.
  • Practice a good oral health routine. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once daily are simple practices that can get you a long way towards a healthy smile. Another option is the use of special devices such as flossers and dental picks to promote healthier gums.
  • Regular dental visits. Following a routine dental appointment can help you detect early signs of gum problems. Your dentist can also advise you with any essential oral care techniques that you need to perform to prevent any gum issues.