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How to Fix Receding Gums From Getting Worse? What To Do?

The man has a successful treatment for gum recession.

Do you have gum recession? Do you want to know how to fix receding gums? Suppose you have extra sensitive teeth, mainly when drinking something cold or hot. In that case, there’s a chance that you may have receding gums. The best step you can do is book an appointment with your dentist to prevent the worsening of your condition. During your session, your dentist will discuss the appropriate treatment plan for you. Keep reading to learn the various treatments for receding gums, including how to slow and stop their progression.


Gum Recession: What Is It?

Gum recession occurs when the gums wear out from the tooth. The receding gums uncover a more significant portion of the tooth and leave the root of the tooth exposed. Because of this, patients frequently experience increased tooth sensitivity and pain, which can affect eating.how to fix receding gums

If left untreated, gum recession can weaken the gum tissue, allowing pockets to develop between the tooth and gums, making a perfect environment for bacteria to gather.

In any case, it is essential to know that people need strong, firm gum tissue to surround and secure their teeth. Once the gum tissue wears out, it can cause severe gum disease and tooth loss.

Moreover, extreme gum recession cases can expose the roots of the teeth, causing tooth sensitivity, tooth decay, tooth infection, and tooth loss. These oral health issues require more invasive treatments.


Causes of Gum Recession

Several factors can cause the gums to recede. These include:


Gum disease

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is the inflammation and infections of the gums and other areas in the mouth. The inflammation happens because of plaque and tartar buildup.

In any case, periodontal disease has two stages. These are:

Gingivitis: This is the earliest form of gum disease. Gingivitis makes the gum swelling, redness, and, sometimes, bleeding. Without treatment, this condition can lead to periodontitis.

Periodontitis: On the other hand, this condition is an advanced and severe form of gum disease that can cause the gums to subside. As the gum and soft tissue withdraw from the tooth, a pocket develops between the gum line and the tooth, collecting bacteria. After some time, the bacteria result in further inflammation. Additionally, having too much gum recession can lead to bone loss, causing the teeth to fall out.


Incorrect or Forceful Brushing

Daily brushing is fundamental for keeping good dental hygiene. Nevertheless, applying an improper brushing method could contribute to gum recession.

The terminal edge of the gingiva is the piece of the gum that meets the tooth’s crown. Brushing too hard or incorrectly can harm the gingival edge, possibly causing gum swelling and recession.

In any case, improper brushing factors that can cause gum recession include:

  • using a hard-bristled toothbrush
  • applying too much pressure
  • brushing the teeth in a vast, horizontal movement


Teeth Grinding and Jaw Clenching

Some individuals grind their upper and lower teeth together while sleeping. Teeth grinding can put intense pressure on the gums, causing them to recede over the long run.

In addition, teeth grinding and jaw clenching can likewise make teeth loose in their sockets. This habit creates deep pockets between the gums and teeth, where bacteria can gather. These bacteria give rise to gum inflammation, which can cause gum recession worse.


Dental Injury

Enduring direct injury or trauma to the gum tissue might make the gums recede in that location. Such injuries may happen in the following settings:

  • while playing contact sports
  • during dental procedures
  • during a fall or other accident
  • while wearing ill-fitting dentures


How To Treat Gum Recession?

Although receding gums will not grow back, you can still do various things to keep them from subsiding more. Also, some dental procedures can lessen the presence of receding gums.


Slow Down the Process

The treatment for gum recession starts once you make an appointment with your dentist. A dentist will check how far your gums have subsided to decide the best following steps. Suppose you have bacteria in the tiny spaces made by gum recession. Then, in that case, your dentist will probably begin with a deep-cleaning method called scaling and root planing. This includes scraping away plaque and tartar from your teeth and under your gum line. Your dentist may complete scaling and root planing using either a hand-held scraper or an ultrasonic device.

Sometimes, your dentist may prescribe an antibiotic mouthwash or use a slow-release antibacterial gel below your gum line.

This is frequently the initial step in addressing receding gums since eliminating bacteria can slow down and even end the process. To keep up with the outcomes, you will need to practice good oral hygiene to prevent future plaque developments.


Surgical Procedure

For more extreme conditions, your dentist may recommend surgery to eliminate profound bacteria under your gums or replace missing gum tissue. In any case, common gum surgical options include:The dentist explains the procedure for gum surgery.

Gum grafting: This procedure will allow your dentist or oral surgeon to take gum tissue from another piece of your mouth. Then, they surgically place it around the subsiding region. Gum grafting can diminish the appearance of gum recession and secure your tooth and bone from future damage.

Flap surgery: This gum surgery will allow your periodontist to create a small cut in your gum tissue. After that, they lift it up and eliminate any plaque they could not remove during the deep cleaning technique. Once they remove the bacteria, they will secure your gum tissue in place to prevent possible bone loss.



After getting a dental treatment, you will need to take additional care of your teeth to prevent gums from receding.

  • Brush and floss daily. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss your teeth daily. Flossing under your gums eliminates the bacteria that cause gum disease and recession.
  • Brush your teeth gently. Brushing your teeth too aggressively or using a toothbrush with stiff bristles can harm your gums and the enamel of your teeth.
  • Get treatment for bruxism. If you grind your teeth at night, make a visit to your doctor. You might have to use a mouthguard while resting. When you clench your jaw or grind your teeth, the tension can make your gums recede.
  • Correct your bite. Misaligned teeth or bites can put extra pressure on some teeth when eating or chewing foods. Hence, make an appointment with an orthodontist to check whether you need braces.

Now that you know how to fix receding gums, do not hesitate to talk with your dentist, especially if you notice your gums are receding. Reputable dental clinics like Chatswood’s trusted clinic in Boutique Dental Care help keep your gums in tip-top shape. Visits include a thorough cleaning and allow an opportunity for your dentist to assess the development of your mouth. This dental checkup can detect early indications of other health problems such as poor nutrition, improper jaw alignment, and more.



10 Biggest Causes of Tooth Sensitivity.


Removing plaque and tartar from teeth.






Treatment – Teeth grinding (bruxism).
