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Tooth Implant Risks

One of the effective methods of replacing a missing tooth is by the use of dental implants which are metal posts that are placed unto the jaw bone surgically to serve as tooth roots for attaching and supporting an artificial tooth. If you’re considering dental implants DDSS is one of the leading clinics for tooth implants in Sydney so you might wanna check them out.

Teeth Hurting After Whitening Strips

Whitening strips truly are a miracle, they conceal the yellow damage done to the enamel and instead show dazzling teeth! What’s most loved about whitening strips is its convenience. All you have to do is remove it from its packet and place its gel side onto your teeth. Then wait for a few minutes and upon removal, you’ll have beautiful white teeth. This is about as close as you’ll get to magic in the dental world. But the questions are – are teeth whitening strips safe to use? Do results last awhile? There are a few misconceptions regarding whitening strips. Despite what they might advertise, it doesn’t stop your teeth from yellowing any further but rather give it a short term glow. There’s also the problem of teeth hurting after whitening strips.