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Understanding Rhinoplasty Recovery Time: What to Expect After Surgery

rhinoplasty recovery time

Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a “nose job,” is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to reshape the nose for various aesthetic or functional purposes. The surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis and involves making incisions on the nose to access and modify the underlying bone and cartilage structures. While rhinoplasty can produce significant improvements in the appearance and function of the nose, it also requires a certain amount of downtime and recovery for optimal healing. In this article, we will discuss the rhinoplasty recovery time and what patients can expect during each stage of the healing process.



Rhinoplasty Recovery Timeline

The rhinoplasty recovery timeline can vary depending on the extent of the surgery, the patient’s health and lifestyle, and other factors. However, most patients can expect to follow a general recovery timeline as follows:

rhinoplasty recovery time expectationFirst Few Days After Surgery

Immediately after rhinoplasty, patients will have a splint on their nose and may experience some swelling, pain, and bruising around the eyes and nose. The doctor will prescribe pain medication and antibiotics to control any discomfort or infection. Resting in bed with your head elevated and avoiding any physical exertion, such as bending, lifting, or straining, is recommended.

First Few Weeks After Surgery

During the first week after surgery, patients will need to visit their doctor for a follow-up appointment to monitor their progress and remove the splint and stitches. Your facial plastic surgeon will examine your nose and most likely remove your splint. The swelling and bruising will start to subside, but the nose will still appear swollen and tender. Patients should continue to rest and avoid strenuous activity, but they can start walking around and doing light activities.

During this time, you may notice some minor bruising around the eyes, but otherwise, you should be able to resume your normal activities. Just be mindful of everything you do and how much sun exposure you get, and don’t put any pressure on your face or lift heavy objects. By week 2, most of the facial bruising and swelling should have subsided by now. And by the 3rd and 4th weeks, at this point, you can resume cardiovascular exercises.

First Month After Surgery

During the first month after surgery, the majority of the swelling and bruising will have subsided, but the nose will still be sensitive and require gentle care. Patients should avoid any activities that could cause trauma to the nose, such as contact sports or rough play. They should also avoid wearing glasses or sunglasses that rest on the nose and try to sleep on their back with the head elevated. Eating a balanced diet and taking vitamin supplements are recommended to promote healing.

Three to Six Months After Surgery

At three to six months, most of the swelling and bruising should have resolved, and the nose will start to take its final shape. Patients can resume their normal activities and wear glasses or sunglasses. However, they should still be careful not to place too much pressure on the nose or engage in activities that could cause trauma. Protecting the nose from the sun and applying sunscreen to prevent scarring is essential.

rhinoplasty recovery time consultOne Year After the Surgery

At the one-year mark, the nose should have fully healed and taken its final shape. Patients can enjoy the full benefits of rhinoplasty and see the results of their surgery. However, it is important to continue to take care of the nose and avoid any activities that could cause excessive trauma or pressure.

Tips for Optimal Rhinoplasty Recovery

To promote optimal rhinoplasty recovery, patients should follow these tips:

  • Relax. Rest and avoid physical exertion during the first week. For the first little while, it’s extremely important that you keep your head elevated in a straight upright position as much as possible to facilitate proper blood flow and prevent further injury. Unfortunately, this means that for the first six weeks or so post-surgery, you’ll have to sleep in an upright position and avoid turning onto your back or sides as this could displace your nose, which is still healing.
  • Ice it. Apply cold compresses or ice packs. During the first 2-3 days following surgery, you should apply a cold compress to your face to reduce swelling, redness, and bruising. Be careful not to press the cold compress directly to your nose as this will put it out of place. Apply it to your cheeks instead, and avoid touching your nose altogether.
  • Be healthy. Eat a balanced diet and take vitamin supplements to promote healing. As always, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet, especially when you’re recovering from a major or minor surgery. Eat nutritious foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, protein, and calcium and have anti-inflammatory properties to help keep swelling down and assist with the healing process.
  • Watch out for certain side effects. Immediately following your nose reshaping procedure, you may notice a few different side effects, like redness or slight bruising under the eyes. This should subside within the first two weeks, but if it persists, you should consult your facial plastic surgeon. In the beginning, you may also feel a little discomfort or soreness, but this should also subside in the coming weeks. If you feel intense discomfort or pain to the point where you can’t return to your regular activities, then you should let your doctor know.
  • Stop vices. Avoid smoking, alcohol, and drugs, which can interfere with healing
  • Listen to your doctor. Attend all follow-up appointments and communicate with the doctor any concerns or issues. Follow the doctor’s instructions for cleaning and caring for the nose. You can read all of the online articles you want about what to expect during the recovery period and what you should do. Still, the best piece of advice you can take is to just follow your doctor’s instructions and book follow-up consultations regularly. Take prescribed pain medication and antibiotics as directed. Your facial plastic surgeon knows your case history in detail. Since they’re the ones who performed the procedure, they should be able to aptly help you through the recovery process and prescribe the appropriate medications.
  • rhinoplasty recovery time postsurgeryBe careful. Avoid any activities that could cause trauma or pressure to the nose. This may seem pretty obvious, but it bears repeating. Avoid blowing your nose at all costs for the first six weeks or so following your rhinoplasty procedure. During this time, you’re going to experience a lot of congestion due to blockages in your nasal passage while your nose is healing. Do not blow your nose. Instead, talk to your doctor about using saline-based nasal sprays to help clear up the congestion and mucus buildup. On that note, you should also avoid any direct physical contact with your nose whatsoever for the first six weeks, and this includes wearing sunglasses, face masks, and even scratching an itch. Even the smallest point of contact can cause injury.


Rhinoplasty recovery time can vary depending on various factors, but patients can expect to follow a general healing timeline. With proper care and patience, patients can recover successfully and enjoy the full benefits of their surgery. It is essential to follow the doctor’s instructions, avoid any activities or substances that could interfere with healing, and communicate any concerns with the doctor. By doing so, patients can achieve the desired rhinoplasty results and boost their confidence and self-esteem.





